Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Black Mold Remediation

NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions

It's important to take care of black mold infestations as soon as possible to ensure that the air in one's home is healthy and clean. A black mold infestation can be very dangerous and cause severe problems if it is not immediately attended to and eradicated from the home. NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions specializes in a service called black mold remediation.

Homeowners should be on the lookout for potential mold infestations if their home has recently suffered significant flood damage or if excessive moisture has built up in the home due to an appliance, plumbing malfunction or hurricane. Houses in low lying areas and shoreline communities are especially prone to black mold infestations. Possible symptoms of a black mold infestation include various health conditions such as conjunctivitis- an eye issue that results from an allergic reaction in the body- and skin rashes. Other possible physical reactions to inhaling black mold are muscle fatigue, discomfort, or pain.

Those who notice any of the symptoms above should immediately seek treatment. Unfortunately, many homeowners suffer with symptoms for an extended period of time before realizing that black mold in the home is the culprit. In addition to being treated for any physical ailments resulting from the infestation, it will also be immediately necessary to have the infestation removed from the home by a professional remediation company such as NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions.

Determining if black mold remediation is necessary in a home involves several different steps, including inspecting the property, analyzing any air samples or swabs taken during inspection to detect mold, locating moisture in the home using infrared cameras, and using particle counters to determine the concentration of potentially harmful substances in the air of a home.

The most effective way to get rid of a black mold infestation is to seek out a specialist with experience handling the condition. While it's not always easy to get rid of black mold, air quality and decontamination professionals, such as NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions, can kill and remove the mold using a variety of different substances, such as bleach, ammonia, and other chemical preparations.

During black mold remediation, extreme care must be taken to avoid allowing mold spores to travel within the home and cause a repeat infestation. Once the black mold is removed, the previously infected surfaces of the home should be vacuumed and the mold should be carefully disposed of in sealed containers.

There are many imperative steps that need to be taken by professionals such as NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions. Give them a call for more information: (631) 275-5999


black mold, black mold remediation, mold testing service, mold testing company, Mold Cleanup Nassau County, Mold Cleanup Suffolk County, Mold Cleanup Long Island, Mold Cleanup Brooklyn, Mold Cleanup Queens

Friday, October 24, 2014

The 10 Most Common Home Inspection Concerns: with Michael Shain of New York Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Please describe a little bit about your company and its foundation.

The owner, Michael Shain currently teaches a course for NY State on mold and recently been approved to teach a continuing education course on mold to the local realtors who are members of the Long Island Board of Realtors (LIBOR).
Since Hurricane Irene and Sandy and most recently following the past few extreme rain events, the public is much more aware of how your home or business can make you sick. The telltale is what is referred to as the "canary in the mine" theory where when you are home you exhibit specific health concerns/symptoms and when you leave that environment your symptoms subside. This simple observation tells us that something is remiss in that environment. Since the late 70's, the rate of asthma among our children has almost tripled. It is no coincidence that this follows the oil embargo and our push to insulate our homes to as close to airtight as possible thus creating what I refer to as the incubator effect. Mold grows in stagnant humid basements. The stack effect allows the air to rise and contaminate our living spaces. When your basement or crawl-space gives off that musty mildew odor, that is actually the mycotoxins volatile organic compounds mold off-gasses as it is reproducing. NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions has over 14 years of experience in indoor environmental investigations that target air quality complaints.

Thirteen common contributors to poor indoor air quality and elevated mold:

  1. Elevated humidity levels in the residence due to no dehumidifiers in the basements, lack of effective air conditioning in the main living spaces and poorly maintained homes or businesses. Mold will grow at humidity levels of 60% and above.
  2. Lack of proper ventilation in attics.
  3. Ineffective gutters (clogged or deteriorated) and leaders diverting rainwater at least 6 feet away from the perimeter of the property. High water tables and lack of sump pumps or ineffective internal French drains.
  4. Negative pitch of the property where the property slopes toward the foundation instead of away from the foundation facilitating the rain water to travel away from the residence.
  5. Not using or lack of bathroom and range top fans.
  6. Poorly maintained heating and cooling systems. Ineffective or cheap fiberglass filters in your heating and air conditioning units and not changing the filters regularly.
  7. Humidifiers built into the ductwork of heating systems thus contributing to biological growth in the ductwork.
  8. Not drying any water intrusion event within the first 48 hours.
  9. Poor housekeeping and excessive clutter. Taking shoes off at the door, washing bedding regularly, changing pillows once a year and using allergen proof covers.
  10. Excessive use of toxic cleaning chemicals. Storage of hobby materials which cast off-gas.
  11. Smoking Indoors.
  12. Particulate magnets such as carpets and fabric furniture that are not properly maintained.
  13. Construction defects.

What services do you offer?

  • Formaldehyde
  • Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC's)
  • Carbon Monoxide CO ppm
  • Carbon Dioxide CO2 ppm
  • SO2 ppm Sulfur Dioxide
  • NO2 ppm Nitrogen Dioxide
  • O3 ppm Ozone
  • PH3 ppm Phosphine Gas
  • H2S ppm Hydrogen Sulfide
  • NH3 ppm Ammonia
  • CL2 ppm Chlorine
  • Laser Particle Analysis 0.3 - 10.0 um
  • IAQ consultations and expert witness

What is the best way for people to get in contact with you?

If you have any questions or concerns about the air quality in your home or business please visit our web site at

or email us at

Monday, September 29, 2014

This is why is Asthma on the rise

NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions
Houses of today don’t breath like they did years ago, NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions of Long Island can remedy that.  It’s as if our houses are wrapped in saran wrap making them almost air tight to increase energy efficiency.
50 years ago we had radiators and real wood furniture. Today we have forced hot air and particle board furniture.
We used to use simple cleaning solutions and now we use complex chemicals.
Our homes are breeding grounds for mold while the carpets harbor contaminates such as pet dander, dust mites and pollen.
NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions of Long Island has many tools and solutions for these asthma causing problems. If you are suffering from asthma, give us a call so we can investigate what is the cause of your respiratory illness.
Call NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions of Long Island for an estimate. (631) 275-5999

asthma Long Island NY, asthma, mold testing, remediation, air quality, Long Beach NY, Long Beach, LBNY, Long Island

#asthmalongislandny #newyork #mold #asthma #moldtesting #remediation #airquality

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Got Mold? Get NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions


Mold can be the cause of  “sick building syndrome”.  Occupants will complain of irritated eyes, nose and throat along with general health problems and skin irritation.  They may have different symptoms, however, the time frame and parts of the building in which they suffer maybe the same.
Generally speaking, Poor Indoor Air Quality, is the culprit.   NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions
will come in and test the air quality by taking air and surface samples. Once it is discovered what kind of mold is growing, it can be eradicated and recovery can begin.
Long-term exposure to mold can cause serious health issues especially in children and the elderly. In particular, it can worsen existing respiratory problems and can agitate existing allergies. It can even cause chronic headaches, vertigo, memory loss and severe neurological conditions.
Allow the professionals of NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions to come in and test your indoor air quality.    They will eliminate the problem and you will feel better as a result.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Are you ready for the summer allergy season? Here is a list to help you prepare.

Here is a list to help you prepare.
Mold investigation, then remediation.

Clean the debris from your gutters so as to keep the rainwater moving away from your house.
Have your air conditioners serviced so they operate effectively and efficiently.
You need to have a proper ventilation system in your attic which will push hot air out. We highly recommend a system such as a ridge vent.
You want to have an operating dehumidifier in your basement or crawl space.  Keeping the humidity down keeps mold and dust mites at a minimum.
Since most people keep the windows closed and the air conditioner on in the summer, we recommend using the bathroom and oven exhaust fans. Also, we recommend a Hepa Vacuum to eliminate re-circulating dust particles.  This is helpful to asthma sufferers.
Keep garden mulch 12” from your house’s foundation.  Mulch contains mold and you don’t want the spores in your house.
NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Friday, June 20, 2014

Improve the air quality in your home!

Take our Air Quality Quiz to find out why your home is making you sick.

Our goal at NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions is to find the triggers of asthma, allergies and other pulmonary issues then rectify the causes.
We are Indoor Air Quality Environmentalists who specialize in detecting indoor household mold and remediation.
We have been helping people breathe freely since 1980.
Getting to the cause of asthma and other breathing issues and remediation, will cut down on medications being needed for these conditions.
NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions is a locally owned and operated company serving Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Nassau and Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.