Monday, September 29, 2014

This is why is Asthma on the rise

NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions
Houses of today don’t breath like they did years ago, NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions of Long Island can remedy that.  It’s as if our houses are wrapped in saran wrap making them almost air tight to increase energy efficiency.
50 years ago we had radiators and real wood furniture. Today we have forced hot air and particle board furniture.
We used to use simple cleaning solutions and now we use complex chemicals.
Our homes are breeding grounds for mold while the carpets harbor contaminates such as pet dander, dust mites and pollen.
NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions of Long Island has many tools and solutions for these asthma causing problems. If you are suffering from asthma, give us a call so we can investigate what is the cause of your respiratory illness.
Call NY Indoor Air Quality Solutions of Long Island for an estimate. (631) 275-5999

asthma Long Island NY, asthma, mold testing, remediation, air quality, Long Beach NY, Long Beach, LBNY, Long Island

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